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Teddy's Story - For the Love of Dogs and Destiny

The board for Genesis has some new members and there have been some changes made with a positive outcome. Committees have been formed to give each board member more responsibility and assist in the growth and continued development of the Genesis Project. Reflecting on the changes fits into the scheme of things as many people set new resolutions at the beginning of each new year and the board is no exception.

Genesis is growing and expanding, and our top priority is helping these boys develop into fine young men and contributing members of society. Genesis has the potential to make a real difference as those who read our newsletter and become acquainted with our home for young men from the ages of six to 12 which leads me to a resident I met and interviewed named Teddy.


 Teddy is an 11-year-old resident at Genesis and happy to be living here as he came from a strict foster home, and he felt like he never pleased the foster parents—and he truly tried.  At Genesis, he thrived.

Teddy is fond of Genesis’ teacher, Traci Sowers, and math is his forte. When I first met him, he was walking Miss A’s (a staff member’s) American Bulldog, named King. He walked him into the cottage on a leash with me and we talked about what I had learned from obedience school with my dog, a German Shepherd, and he quietly listened. He practiced a few times, and I was impressed when he took control and gave King directions to walk beside him.

King is a young dog and wanted to please Teddy who seemed to be a natural with the animal. Miss A told me she wanted the dog around people as a puppy and planned to take him to obedience school and thought he would do much better if socialized at a young age. All the boys flocked to King and wanted to spend time with him.

Genesis does have a therapy dog, Murphy, but he is much bigger and thoroughly enjoys his time alone with the residents.

Later, Teddy said he wouldn’t mind becoming a veterinarian as he loved dogs. His brother had owned a black Labrador that he really loved but he had run away which made Teddy sad. He did not know whatever happened to him but did think he could make a difference if he had the chance to work with dogs. He wouldn’t mind working at an obedience school and showing others how to train their dogs.

Teddy took me to an area in the cottage where the boys had drawn a fire roaring in a fireplace, stockings hung, and hot cocoa made for Santa. He was so proud of their creation, and it was done on a door that opened onto the main living area where the boys reside.

He opened the door and there stood a tall tree, probably nine or ten feet tall, that had lights on it but no ornaments, but he loved its height.  Just outside of this tree, was their design of a warm family formation that a lot of families create awaiting Santa’s arrival. I think he liked crafting a family atmosphere and similar scenes that many American families produce every year.

Teddy has three brothers who are a lot older than him, and he has lived in the Broken Arrow and Tulsa areas. He had attended many schools before he moved to Genesis. He seemed to enjoy the stability and routine that was consistent at Genesis.

Teddy loved Frontier City and the roller coasters truly got his attention. He especially liked the ones that went backward and had loops. He had visions of riding many, many more when he got older. He enjoyed shooting targets and riding horses, but I think he preferred the dogs best.

Teddy was open to my suggestions and seemed to really enjoy being the center of my attention but led me back to King frequently. He seemed to thrive with direction and excelled when he could stand out. He is a perfect example of the type of boy who is assigned to Genesis and needs our help and guidance.

Teddy has an opportunity to thrive, and I pray his time with us will give him the foundation to succeed in life. He was a delight to spend time with on my visit that day.

